google-site-verification=BKvtPMhXO4ry3Fp3LTaAu3nba5zap8YNeVGXyrCtHFo Differences in BRAIN SKILL of Normal Persons and Stroke Patients-Brain Neuro Physiotherapy
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Differences in BRAIN SKILL of Normal Persons and Stroke Patients :Brain Neuro Physiotherapy

Neuro Physiotherapy for brain stroke-Dr Suvradeep Ganguly(HOD of B2LCARE.COM)

About Brain?

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It produces our every thought, action, memory, feeling and experience of the world. This jelly-like mass of tissue, weighing in at around 1.4 kilograms, contains a staggering one hundred billion nerve cells, or neurons.

Your brain is primarily composed of about 85 billion neurons, which is more than the number of peoples we see in a stadium in Cricket or Football world cup final . A neuron is a cell which acts as a messenger, sending information in the form of nerve impulses (like electrical signals) to other neurons .For example, when you are writing, some neurons in your brain send the “move fingers” message to other neurons and this message then travels through the nerves (like cables) all the way to your fingers. The electrical signals that are communicated from one neuron to another are therefore what allows you to do everything you do: write, think, see, jump, talk, compute, and so on. Each neuron can be connected with up to 10,000 other neurons, leading to a large number of connections in your brain [2], which looks like a very dense spider web.

How Brain Learn?

When we are learning, Relearning something , important changes take place in your brain, including the creation of new connections between your neurons. This phenomenon is called Neuroplasticity. The ability of our brain to change ,that is to create ,Strengthen and spending up transmission between neurons is our brain

. The more you practice, the stronger these connections become. As your connections strengthen, the messages (nerve impulses) are transmitted increasingly faster, making them more efficient. That is how you become better at anything you learn whether it is playing football, reading, drawing.

In scrutinizing MRI scans, investigators noticed differences in the brain structure of individuals with specific highly developed skills. Musicians, for example, have thicker regions of auditory cortex than non-musicians.

How Brain Re-Learn after Brain Damage or Stroke?

Your brain is amazing! It has the ability to re-wire itself, allowing you to improve skills such as walking, talking and using your affected arm. This process is known as neuroplasticity. It begins after a stroke, and it can continue for years.

Neuroplasticity or brain learning After Stroke Works Differently for Everyone.

First, it’s important to understand that every brain is organized somewhat differently and that every stroke is unique. The secondary effects a survivor experiences after stroke will depend on many factors, such as the area of the brain affected and the severity of the stroke.

Different parts brain have different function-B2LCARE.COM  NEURO PHYSIOTHERAPY UNIT
Different parts brain have different function

As a result, every recovery process from a stroke will look different.

Understanding the location of your stroke can help you understand the potential secondary effects that may occur. This is because each area of the brain is responsible for different cognitive, sensory, or motor functions.

EXAMPLE how different area of brain have different function :

a left hemisphere stroke may cause language difficulties because the left hemisphere of the brain is where the language center of the brain generally resides. To overcome language difficulties after stroke, neuroplasticity allows the brain to strengthen existing neural connections or create new connections elsewhere in the brain.

Think of the brain as an elaborate storage system. When one file cabinet is destroyed, you can relocate that information to another cabinet. However, it is important to note that it takes time and effort to recreate all the “documents” and file them away again.

When you do Neuro Physiotherapy activities

it encourages the brain to start making new connections in the healthy parts of the brain. Building up those connections makes your brain better at controlling your body, and lets you do more things you want to do.

You can help this process by practicing rehabilitation activities. There is no time limit on Neuroplasticity, and it doesn't only happen during therapy. Every time you take an extra step, say a new word, or do a hand exercise, it helps the brain make new connections.

During learning or activity Electric impulses form connection between brain cells
During learning or activity Electric impulses form connection between brain cells

Stroke kills cell so connection get damaged
Stroke kills cell so connection get damaged

Brain able to form new connection with practice
Brain able to form new connection with practice

Neuro physiotherapy for Brain Stroke What does this mean for recovery?

Every stroke is different. Not everyone can make a complete recovery, but many people make progress with their individual goals like getting stronger, more mobile or more independent. With the right support, many people can gain confidence, and find new ways of doing things.

To find out more about recovery and rehabilitation in practice, read our online information about the effects of stroke.

When recovery seems to go backwards (decompensation)

When the brain 'rewires' itself, the new connections aren't always as strong as the original ones. Sometimes, if you are tired, unwell or under stress, the new connections in the healing brain can struggle to keep up.

This can lead to problems reappearing or getting a bit worse. For example, at the end of a long day, someone might drag their leg more than usual, or slur their speech.


Dr Suvradeep Ganguly(PT)

Consultant Senior Neuro Physiotherapist

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