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Once you Choose HOPE everything is Possible. Our Functional oriented  Treatment  protocols will create hope within you to Get Back 2 Life again.

Wheel Chair  Free 
Better Hand Function
Improved Level
of Function
Higher Cognitive
Quality of Life
Neuro Physiotherapist Dr Suvradeep Gangu

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How we bring you Back to Life

Neurophysiotherapy is a specialized field of physiotherapy that focuses on enhancing the functionality of patients who have experienced physical impairments due to neurological conditions. It is crucial to prioritize neuro physiotherapy treatment in the initial three months after a stroke or neurological disorder, as the patient's improvement and functional outcomes greatly depend on the early intervention provided. To foster a patient's independence, training the brain to send proper commands to muscles is essential. With the brain's capacity for both losing and forming new connections, known as Neuroplasticity, neurophysiotherapy plays a vital role in helping the brain establish new synaptic connections. By leveraging this ability, neurophysiotherapy enables the brain to rewire itself and acquire or reacquire tasks and skills.

In neuro physiotherapy treatment, it is important for neuro physiotherapists to focus on the patient's cognitive status, motor function, and sensory efficiency holistically. By conducting a thorough and accurate assessment of these areas, they can determine the precise areas that need attention during the neuro physiotherapy treatment.

Principles of neurological physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy is based around numerous principles of rehabilitation. Following Principles of neurological physiotherapy that B2LCARE.COM always follow.


1. Making patient self dependent indoor /outdoor.


2. Making a patient active performer instead of passive performer. 


3. Encouraging and trained the patient to remain socially active.


4. Prevention of further complication like:

(Muscle Shortening; Spasticity; Immobility; Dependency ; Depression ; Agitation)


5. Using a team approach include (Neuro Physiotherapist; Psycho somatic specialist ; Nutritionist ; Swallow Therapist)


6. Focusing more on retaining brain.


7. Employing a problem solving or realistic approach which will help patient to back his/her regular active life quickly.


8 .Correcting and preventing posture abnormality due to long time immobility.


9.Promotion of functional activities based around daily tasks , patient age and according job profile.


10.Use of verbal and visual prompts to encourage the patient to give more attention while doing any exercises or activities.


11.Prevention of muscle shortening as this could cause  spasticity or abnormal movement.


12. Using a team approach .


13.Implementation of realistic goals which is measurable and time framed.


14.Actively engaging the patient in treatment sessions


15.Boosting patient confidence so patient can engaged them self in any type of new activities with less fear.



Neurological Physiotherapy specialists in the treatment of patients with disorders of movement, posture and function that arise from impairments of the body’s nervous and neuromuscular systems. These conditions often manifest themselves in loss of mobility , functional activity , muscle weakness, poor coordination, sensation loss and uncontrolled muscle activity such as spasticity and tremors, and loss of balance, or orientation.


B2LCARE'S Neurological Physiotherapists have extensive experience in assisting people with the following conditions and more…

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Stroke or CVA

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders

  • Childhood and developmental problems

    • Cerebral Palsy

    • Spina Bifida

    • General debility and loss of balance in the elderly

    • Post polio syndrome and other neuromuscular diseases




A Neurological Physiotherapist specialised in the  re-education of key functions including walking, standing and use of the hands and arms for every day tasks. B2LCARE'S Physiotherapists are also able to assist individuals wishing to progress to work related tasks, sporting and recreational interests including running retraining.


Neurological Physiotherapy techniques include exercise prescription, hands on therapies as well as the skilled use of electrical stimulation, splinting and casting. Neurological physiotherapists work closely with medical specialists such as Rehabilitation Physicians and Neurologists in the use of specialised medical procedures such as Botulinum Toxin A.


Many people with Neurological conditions experience significant disability and require high levels of care. Neurological physiotherapists have experience in teaching and training careers as well as providing advice and prescription for specialised equipment for mobility, activities of daily living and recreation.

In few neurological cases patient development get stopped due to the depression ,frustration and less motivation.Our neuro physiotherapist always remain aware about their psychological status and always keep them motivating by carrying out counselling session.

B2LCARE.COM -Neuro Physiotherapist Dr Suvradeep Ganguly

HOD of NeuroPhysiotherapy Department

MPT(Neurology & Psychosomatic Disorder Specialst)
BMCP(IICP) ; FINR(Neuro Rehab)
Consultant Neuro Physiotherapist 
Ex-Asst Prof -Swami Vivekananda University

Dr Suvradeep Ganguly

Myself Dr Suvradeep Ganguly has completed BPT from Ramaiah Medical Collage in the year of 2009 and followed by I did MPT(neurology and Psychosomatic Disorder Specialist) in the year of 2015 from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Health Science.

To make my knowledge more stronger I did FINR(Fellowship in Neurological Condition ) from MEDVERSITY and Basic management on Cerebral Palsy (BMCP) from Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy.

Later on the year of 2019  I completed Certificate course  in COGNITIVE BEHAVIROUL THERAPY(CBT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) for better understanding mental health condition of a Neuro Patient.

As a Neuro Physiotherapist my moto is to make a patient functional or providing him/her a new normal life. To achieved this I always follow an holistic approach for patient. In holistic approach we not only asses patient physical condition but also his mental strength, Family support, economical condition and also his daily requirement for living his/her daily life.

Me and my team always try keep our self update regarding advanced neurological therapy.

Our motto is to normalize the patient and patient family members life by upgrading patient condition and bring him/her back to life as much possible to normal life.

Meet Our Neuro Physiotherapy Team

dr Suvradeep Ganguly- Neuro Physiotherapy in Kolkata_edited.jpg

BPT ,MPT(Neurology and Psychosomatic Disorder)

FINR(Neurology Rehabilitation)


-Consultant Neuro Rehabilitation Psychologist





BPT;MPT(Neuro Rehabilitation)

Dry Needling Practitioner

-Consultant Neuro Physiotherapist

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Neuro physiotherapy after brain stroke by Dr Suvradeep Ganguly

Biswanidhi Mukhejee

Neuro Physiotherapy after Brain Stroke by Dr Suvradeep Ganguly
Importance of Neuro Physiotherapy and Pedeatric Neuro Physitherapy by Dr Suvradeep Ganguly
Balance training in neuro physiotherapy treatment
Neuro Physiotherapy to enhance Balance and stability of paralysis patients

Become more functional after paralysis

At later stage of paralysis Neuro physiotherapy treatment Balance exercises are crucial for enhancing their quality of life


1. Fall prevention: Paralysis can affect muscle strength and coordination, increasing the risk of falls. Balance exercises help improve stability and reduce the likelihood of falls, which can lead to serious injuries.


2. Improved mobility: By enhancing balance, individuals with paralysis can improve their ability to move around safely and independently. This can contribute to a better quality of life and increased confidence in daily activities.


3. Muscle activation and strength: Balance exercises often engage core muscles and lower body muscles, which can help maintain or improve muscle strength even in areas affected by paralysis. This can lead to better overall function and mobility.


4. Neurological benefits: Engaging in balance exercises can help stimulate the nervous system and promote Neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This can potentially lead to improvements in motor control and coordination over time.


Neuro physiotherapy for Parkinson's Disease

Benefits of Advanced Neuro Physiotherapy for Parkinson's Disease

Functionality You Will Love

Parkinson’s disease is a condition where a part of your brain deteriorates, causing more severe symptoms like difficulties in movement ,Slowness in action ,tremor e.t.c. While this condition is best known for how it affects muscle control, balance and movement, it can also cause a wide range of other effects on your senses, thinking ability, mental health and more.


Some early sign of parkinson’s diseases you can identify like

  •        Slow movement : also known as Bradykinesia , this can make it difficult to start the movement to do every day task. Like initiating to stand after sitting for a longer duration. 


  •        Muscle Stiffness : Muscle stiffness for parkinson’s called rigidity, this can cause severe tightness of muscles ,making it difficult to move around and make facial expressions.


  •         Tremors : Tremors usually begging with hand or arm called peripheral tremor , at severe stage patient can have central body tremor or trunk  while changing posture (eg. while initiate standing from sitting position)


  •  Small Handwriting :    Letters may be smaller or crowded together .


  •  Loss of smell : Patients may no longer smell certain foods very well . 


  • Soft and slurred speech :  Patients' voices may be very soft or sound breathy or hoarse.


Depression and anxiety : One of most commonest symptoms for parkinson’s patients as he / she losing confidence on themself to do their daily activities 




Stages of Parkinson’s Disease ;


To classify the severity of symptoms,parkinson’s disease divided into 5 stages according to Hoen and Yehan Rating Scales 


Stage 1:


Stage 1 is the mildest form of Parkinson’s. At this stage, there may be symptoms, but they’re not severe enough to interfere with daily tasks and


Frequently Asked Question about Neuro Physiotherapy













Q. What are the Basic principals of Neuro Physiotherapy treatment ?


Neuro physiotherapy treatment is centered on various rehabilitation principles focusing on the brain, spinal cord, muscles, balance, coordination, and cognitive functions.

B2LCARE.COM's Neuro physiotherapy unit in Kolkata adopts a holistic approach to enhance the overall functional outcomes of neurological patients, aiming for greater independence in both indoor and outdoor activities.

Principals for encouraging Neurological patient treatment:

The brain is dynamic and capable of adapting to change following injury to the brain

1.Employing a problem solving approach

2. Functional oriented approach and occasionally eclectic therapy approach help patient to return at their close to normal life.

3.Encourage practicing them as close to the normal movement through strengthening exercises, sensory stimulation, positive reinforcement, and verbal feedback.

4. Optimistically, making adjustments to the paralysis  patient's position and posture in the early stages of neuro physiotherapy treatment can play a crucial role in avoiding joint deformities later on in the recovery process.


5.Utilizing verbal, visual, and other sensory techniques to boost brain activity for a specific purpose is known as a functional-oriented approach in neuro physiotherapy. It's all about engaging the Brain in a cheerful and purposeful manner.

7.Using a team approach to provide specific treatment for specific abnormalities of patients. Like speech therapists for speech , Disability counseling for Cognitive  function .

8.In the initial stages of the Neuro physiotherapy treatment, we consistently emphasize the importance of active patient involvement during exercise sessions. This approach not only assists patients in developing self-confidence but also aids in mitigating the fear of falling.














Q. What is the minimum Qualifications for Neuro Physiotherapist?


Neuro Physiotherapists are required to have a Master's degree in Physiotherapy with a specialization in Neurology, which is a 2-year program. To be eligible for this advanced degree, individuals must first complete a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy and a 6-month internship program.










Q.  What Neurological conditions do Neuro Physiotherapist treat?


Neurological physiotherapy is a specialized form of treatment that caters to individuals dealing with conditions impacting the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. The symptoms it addresses may include gait problems, paralysis, incoordination, difficulties in maintaining balance while walking or standing .

B2LCARE.COM'S Neuro physiotherapy team are specialized to deal with following neurological conditions

  1. Brain Stroke

  2. Spinal Cord Injury.

  3. Head Injury

  4. Acquired Brain Injury.

  5. Parkinson’s Disease

  6. Ataxia

  7. Poliomyelitis

  8. Paralysis.

  9. G B Syndrome

  10. Peripheral Neuropathy

  11. Diabetic Neuropathy.

  12. Balance and Mobility issues

  13. Difficulties in walking.     
















Q. What are the 5 steps at Neuro Physiotherapy Assessment?


An assessment for a neurological condition is the most crucial part of neuro physiotherapy treatment in order to develop accurate treatment protocols based on the patient's needs and impairments. The assessment procedures for neuro physiotherapy are divided into 10 categories to determine the level of impairment in various aspects of the patient, such as cognitive function, motor examination, sensory examination, coordination examination, equilibrium examination, muscle tone examination, balance examination, gait examination, and functional capacities.

Q.  What are the  various types of approaches is used in Neuro physiotherapy treatment ?

1.Employing a problem solving approach for involving more brain function.More systemic involvement of brain will enhance positive neuroplasticity activities in  brain. 


2. Functional oriented approach: it is used to optimize motor performance of  the patient which is  used to do in daily life activities.It's all about engaging the Brain in a cheerful and purposeful manner by using  verbal, visual, and other sensory techniques to boost brain activity for a specific purpose 



3.Encourage practicing them as close to the normal movement through 1.Strengthening exercises 2. sensory stimulation 3. positive reinforcement, 4.Auditory stimulation and 5. Neurobic exercises.

4. Optimistically, making adjustments to the paralysis patient's position and posture in the early stages of Neuro physiotherapy treatment can play a crucial role in avoiding joint deformities later on in the recovery process.


5.Using a team approach to provide specific treatment for specific abnormalities of patients. Like speech therapists for speech , Disability counselling for Cognitive function .


6.In the initial stages of the Neuro physiotherapy treatment, we consistently emphasize the active involvement of the patients during exercise sessions and other activities . This approach not only assists patients in developing self-confidence but also helps in development in  planning and execution.

7.Enriched Environment : Individuals with stroke rehabilitated in an enriched environment (EE) compared to a non-EE are more likely to participate in cognitive and social activities, promoting their rehabilitation and well-being.

Balance training in neuro physiotherapy treatment
Spinal Cord Injury Patient with Neuro Physiotherapist
A stroke patient started to stand independently
Neuro physiotherapist Dr Suvradeep Ganguly  doing neuro physiotherapy assessment of stroke